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Help Desk

How can we help?


Can I share my work with my colleagues?

Yes, using Sizemug you have the option to bring in collaborators on your work or share with people in your organisation.

Do I have to pay to use Sizemug?

No, Sizemug is free for users although there may be options to pay for certain features in app.

How do I share via Sizemug?

You can share with others using Vlogs, blogs, or have your people collaborate with your notes and tasks

How do I invite people to Sizemug?

Simply share your profile and invite other user to join you

Are there limits to what features I can use as a free app user?

You can use all of Sizemugs features, but there are paid templates to access

I already use another productivity app, what’s the difference?

Sizemug simply has more features, free to use and for everybody
