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Share work with colleagues
How to set tasks
Is sizemug free to use
Is there limitation of usability
Invite people
Is there limitation of usability
What's different on sizemug

Share work with colleagues

  • To share your paper work to another colleague after finishing.
  • After saving your work, you need to head to the Recent work section on the new paper main interface and click the share icon a modal popup will raise up, select the colleagues who you want to share with and click on send.

setting tasks

  • The fastest way to set a task, it's just by clicking the red box on the status navigation.
  • Once you are on the task creation page set up your task with all the nice options that sizemug gives you and press create.

Is sizemug free to use

  • Our platform and app is totally free to use, users don't need to pay for any service or feacture.

share via Sizemug

  • It is definitely easy to share content to another user, you can also share tasks, vlog posts and much more.
  • To share a task for example you need to click on this icon and a modal popup will raise up, select the colleagues who you want to share with and click on send.

invite people

  • To invite friends, colleagues, co-workers , team or family on sizemug, you can copy the link invitation by going to to profile edit.

Is there limitation of usability

  • Sizemug has been built to break the boundaries of the project management industry, therefore. It's a platform without limitations in usability.

What's different on sizemug

  • Sizemug it's the coolest social project management platform with helpful and user friendly features that enable people to work, interact, build and have fun.