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Tech Volunteerism

Embrace differences, empower voices, and thrive together as one team


Jonny Swift

Digital Marketing Expert
Swift Digital Help

Tech for Good: The Benefits and Importance of Tech Volunteerism

Tech volunteerism is an increasingly popular way for individuals to use their technical skills to give back to their communities while also advancing their careers. By volunteering with organisations that need technical support, individuals can gain valuable experience and knowledge in their field, which can help them to stand out to potential employers or clients.

One of the key benefits of tech volunteerism is the opportunity to gain practical experience in a particular field. For example, a software engineer who volunteers to develop an app for a non-profit organisation can gain app development experience and learn how to work with a team of developers, project managers, and other professionals. This experience can be invaluable when looking for new job opportunities, as it shows that the individual has hands-on experience and is committed to using their skills to help others.

Tech volunteerism can also offer networking opportunities and mentorship. By volunteering with organisations, individuals can connect with other professionals in their field and build relationships that can help them to advance their careers. They may also be able to find mentors who can offer guidance and advice on how to succeed in the industry.

Overall, tech volunteerism is a win-win for both the individual and the organisation they are volunteering with. Individuals can gain valuable experience, develop new skills, and build their network, while also making a positive impact on society.

By giving back to the community, individuals can demonstrate their commitment to using their skills for good, which can help them to stand out in a competitive job market.